Free Chicken Life Cycle Coloring Page

Get ready for an exciting journey through the chicken life cycle coloring page!

This printable life cycle worksheet covers essential skills like fine motor skills, cognitive development, language, and imagination, making it a perfect educational activity for young learners.

This 1 page coloring page features the main stages of the chicken’s life cycle from egg to chicken.

Colorful and educational fun awaits! Join us as we explore the fascinating life cycle of a chicken through a captivating coloring page activity.

a completed life cycle of a chicken coloring page, with crayons around the edge

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Encourage young students to learn all about chicks with this free life cycle of a chicken coloring page.

What is the life cycle of a chicken?

It all begins with a little egg! A mother chicken, called a hen, lays an egg. The egg is like a cozy home for a baby chick. Inside the egg, there’s a tiny baby chicken called an embryo. The hen sits on the eggs or a special machine called an incubator keeps them warm. The embryo grows and develops inside the egg.

After about 21 days, something exciting happens! The baby chick starts pecking from the inside of the egg with a special tooth called an egg tooth. It creates a tiny hole, and then, with lots of effort, it breaks out of the eggshell. Hooray! The baby chick is born, and we call it a hatchling or chick.

The chick is very tiny and fluffy when it hatches. It needs lots of care and warmth from its mother or a caretaker. It stays close to the hen, and she protects and feeds it. The chick starts growing quickly and gets bigger and stronger each day.

mother hen with her chicks

As the chick grows, it becomes a juvenile. During this stage, the chick gets more feathers and learns to eat different foods. It explores the world around it, scratching the ground for tasty bugs and grains to eat. The chick is still young but getting closer to becoming a full-grown chicken.

Finally, the chicken is all grown up! It’s now an adult chicken. The once tiny chick has become a big, beautiful bird with vibrant feathers. Hens are female chickens, and they may start laying eggs of their own. Roosters are male chickens, and they have bigger combs and sometimes fancy tail feathers.

And that’s the life cycle of a chicken! From a tiny egg and a cute hatchling to a big and proud adult chicken. Chickens are incredible animals that bring us delicious eggs and are lots of fun to watch on the farm!

life cycle of a chicken coloring sheet

How to use

Using a life cycle of a chicken coloring page can be a fun and educational activity for kids. Here’s how you can use it:

First, you’ll need to print the life cycle of a chicken coloring page, you can find it at the end of this post.

Get all the coloring supplies ready, such as crayons, colored pencils, markers, or watercolor paints. You can use as many colors as you like to make the life cycle colorful and vibrant.

Before starting to color, take a moment to talk about the life cycle of a chicken with the kids. Explain the different stages, such as egg, embryo, hatchling, chick, and adult chicken. Show them how the stages progress from one to the other.

Now, it’s time to start coloring! Encourage the kids to use their imagination and creativity. They can color the eggs a pale blue or light brown, the hatchling fluffy yellow, and the adult chicken with colorful feathers.

We love to add the Life Cycles book to our studies.

For an extra educational touch, you can label each stage of the life cycle. Write “Egg,” “Embryo,” “Hatchling,” “Chick,” and “Adult Chicken” next to the corresponding pictures. This helps reinforce the learning experience.

While coloring, you can have discussions with the kids about each stage. Ask questions like, “What do you think the chick needs to grow?” or “Why do you think the egg is so important?” This interactive approach enhances their understanding.

free life cycle of a chicken coloring sheet

How to expand on this free coloring page?

Extending the chicken coloring page activity can make it even more enriching and enjoyable for kids. Here are some ideas to extend the life cycle of a chicken coloring page activity:

  1. Encourage the kids to create a story based on the life cycle of a chicken. They can use the colored pictures as a visual aid while narrating the story. This activity stimulates their creativity and language skills.
  2. Act out the different stages of the life cycle with the kids. You can assign roles for each stage, and they can pretend to be eggs, chicks, or adult chickens. This interactive play helps them understand the concept better.
  3. Engage in a science discussion about the life cycle of chickens. Talk about other animals with similar life cycles or compare the chicken life cycle to other animals they know. Discuss the importance of eggs and how they develop into chicks.
  4. If you have access to fertilized eggs and an incubator, consider getting some and observing the hatching process. This hands-on experience will deepen their understanding of the life cycle.
  5. Plan a field trip to a local farm that has chickens. Kids can see real-life chickens and observe different stages of their life cycle. Farms often have educational programs where children can learn more about these animals.
  6. Set up an egg experiment to demonstrate the strength and fragility of an eggshell. Submerge an egg in vinegar for a few days to see how the shell dissolves, leaving behind a rubbery membrane that can be gently bounced. This showcases how the eggshell protects the developing embryo.
  7. Recycle egg cartons by turning them into cute chicken crafts. Help the kids cut out and paint the carton cups to resemble little chicks or hens. This activity combines creativity with environmental awareness.
  8. Learn about different chicken breeds and their distinct feather patterns and colors. Kids can color additional pictures of various chicken breeds and compare them.
  9. Incorporate math into the activity by counting the days of incubation or calculating how many weeks it takes for a chick to become an adult chicken.
  10. Discuss the role of chickens in gardening and farming. Talk about how they help with pest control and soil fertilization.

Have fun with these chicken activities for preschoolers too!

Life cycle of a chicken books

Continue learning about chickens with the best books for kids:

All Things Chickens for Kids. This book is an engaging and educational resource that introduces children to the world of chickens, featuring fascinating facts, colorful photos, and fun activities to spark curiosity and learning about these feathered friends.

How Does an Egg Hatch? In this delightful addition to The World of Eric Carle series, young readers follow The Very Hungry Caterpillar as he explores the process of egg hatching, learning about life cycles and the wonders of nature in Eric Carle’s signature style.

Chicks! Designed for early readers, “Chicks!” takes young minds on an adventure with adorable chicks as they hatch and grow, providing an enjoyable introduction to reading and an exciting glimpse into the world of baby chickens.

Additional chicken printables

Learn even more about chicks and chickens with these fun resources:



Download the free chicken coloring page

If you are running short on time you can download all of our life cycle worksheets. There are 247 pages over 23 different life cycles.

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Last Updated on 15 July 2024 by Clare Brown

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