35 Best Homeschool Supplies in 2024

Even if like us you have been homeschooling for years. Getting the best homeschool supplies prior to the year starting is essential.

You don’t want the first day of homeschool to begin and not be prepared. It’ll just throw you off, and you don’t want that. I mean the kids will probably love not being able to work on their math worksheet as you forgot to order the paper for the printer! But it wouldn’t be the best start.

If you are a seasoned homeschool mom you will probably have most things already, but if you are new to homeschooling, please don’t be overwhelmed.

A number of these homeschooling supplies you will probably already have in your home, and some are perfect Christmas gift ideas for either you or the kids. (My son ALWAYS has at least 25% of his Christmas gifts as educational.)

Essential homeschool supplies

Everything included is exactly what we have in our homeschool room, or should I say closet as that is where I keep the homeschooling essentials.

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Best home education supplies

I have broken this homeschool supplies list further into basic supplies that you will use most days, and then larger objects. The larger supplies are nice to have as opposed to necessary.

If you have a brick building student they will love our favorite Lego school supplies.

Homeschool essential supplies

You will be surprised how many of these basic home schooling supplies you will already have in your home. Also if like us and you have been homeschooling for years, chances are you have already got most of these items. The only things we buy at least once a year are pens and paper.

Now of course the kids need either a laptop or a PC to do their work on. I have used the Lenovo laptops now for the last 8 years I think and they are the best ones I have used. I like that they are like a normal laptop but they have a touch screen.

If like me you have a lot of arts and crafts you are going to love these craft room organization ideas.

homeschool supplies

Homeschool equipment

These larger items are not essential and you can get them along your homeschool journey. Or they would make lovely birthday / Christmas gifts for your children.

What are your favorite supplies for homeschooling? Let me know in the comments below.

Last Updated on 18 July 2024 by Clare Brown

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